man‎Robert St Jean‏‎
Born ‎8 Sep 1953 Blezard Valley, Ontario‎, age 71 years
Was born on a Tuesday


Married ‎4 Oct 1996 Sudbury, Ontario ( Civil ), age 43 years (married 27 years) to:

woman‎Dawn Ruth Bertrand‏‎
Born ‎20 Dec 1964 Sudbury, Ontario‎, age 59 years
MNO member 97/4060

Was born on a Sunday

Godparents:Alcide Bertrand & Ruth Fretz

Career:School Bus Driver with Capreol
School Bus Driver with Estaire


man‎Alexander Robert St Jean‏‎
Born ‎8 Dec 1994 Sudbury, Ontario‎, age 29 years
Was born on a Thursday